i've been thinking of what to write about bob for a few days, as it takes time for such finalities to sink in.
as are us all, i'm obviously quite sad about bob's death, but i'm not at all surprised. even after his stroke, he was not going to be denied his marboro reds, damnit! exercise? HA! those doctors don't know shit!--classic bob. (but unfortunately led to his untimely demise)
part of what made him larger than life was his stubbornness and his hell-or-high-water i'm doing it my way approach to life. from his public feud w/ BFS to his loyalty to his dealers, that man had courage and strength of character that few can approach. bob wasn't short of opinions nor was he one for apologies, but then again, he had few quarrels. how could anyone take umbrage with an audiophile version of santa claus?
what i am surprised with, and take comfort from, is that his life, the way he wanted it, went more or less by design. he didn't have a wife or kids, as he said he didn't much want them, which i never knew to believe or not (he did want but unfortunately never got that skinny hippie chick he wanted---the dream of eugene OR unfulfilled). he never seemed lonely to me, and i think the volume of posts at audiogon & at AA are testament to how many people he was friends with, and how he may have lived alone but was never seemed a loss of company or companionship. when i'd visit him, his phone always had a ring or two; knowing bob, he didn't have too many enemies or unpleasant acquaintances, so if the phone rang, it was usually a friend to him. and almost always, he was having way too much fun, something that seems a bit shorter in supply now.
bob touched a lot of us, my wife & i included. he'll be missed, but not forgotten.