Parasound JC-1 and B&W 803d

Any thoughts on this combination, assuming that I already like the B&W sound.

Since you have not had much luck with responses to this thread I will chime in. I have no experience with B&W 803d. I do own the JC 1s. Based solely on what Ive read about B&W I dont think they would be a good match with JC 1s. To my ear the JC 1s are a little bright. Im using vandersteen 3Asigs and subs. The vandys are not bright yet sometimes things still sound a little out of whack. I gravitate toward a very live sound so I do not like the rolled off flat "hi fi" sound. With B&Ws reputation for being bright I would not put them together but until you have heard the combination in your room with your associated gear you just cant tell for sure. Ive heard the Belles 350A monos paired with similar gear to mine in a different room with Vanersteen 5As. The sound was not quite lively enough for me. All other aspect were very good. Its possible the Belles would be a good choice. Lots of power and in the same price range as the JC 1s. Good luck.
IMO, you have many options. Last Saturday I listened to the 802d and 803d with Classe 2200 and one of the new Classe pre's. Spent only about 30 minutes with each speaker. Both were very good with the Classe equipment and the music seemed pretty effortless. Very good dynamics and very musical. Driver integration was some of the best I've heard. My guess is that a Krell would be worth listening to and likely a Pass Labs. Oh, how about one the Blue Circles as they seem to work nicely with the B&W's. If I had my druthers, I'd try one of the larger VTL's, like an MB-450 with a VTL 5.5 pre. I've read that the new B&W's are easier to drive than the older ones. As always, it's best if you can listen in your own room. Good luck!
Braro, it would be interesting to know what the rest of your system is, to put your comments in context.
I strong disagree with Braro. The JC-1s are not bright, period. I'm sensitive to brightness, and they are not bright. If you hear brightness, it is in your other equipment. Or you are using cabling that doesn't work.
Braro, thanks for the email and hope you don't mind my posting thoughts here. I have no experience with the Supratek Chenin preamp and am curious how it works driving the JC-1s, nor am I familiar with the Audioquest Cheetah interconnects from Wadia 861 to preamp. Is the sound still bright going direct from CD player to amps, using the digital volume control? You might try something in place of the Alphacore MI2 speaker cables - some amps don't like them.