Parasound JC-1 and B&W 803d

Any thoughts on this combination, assuming that I already like the B&W sound.

I own N803, which are considered to be brighter than the D series. I use McCormack DNA-125 with Audio Research tube pre with all Acoustic Zen cables. The system is very smooth, not bright at all. DNA-500 should even be better.
Will have to side with Kevziek on the issue of JC 1s being bright.Before purchasing them I had lived with SET amps for 8 years and before that PP tube amps for 10.I was therefore pretty much biased against SS amps.
Now mind you I'm not saying that jc 1s sound like tube amps,but they definitely don't sound at all like most of the other powerful expensive big name SS amps.IMO they sound pretty neutral.Neither bright,nor glary and not grainy for sure.These problems other posters are reporting
may be due to the amps not getting enough juice from socket,associated equipment or possibly the issue of the long break-in period(60 days playing music 24/7).
As for synergy with BW can't say.But don't do yourself a disservice into believing everthing that is said here,by doing so you may be missing out on some awesome amplifiers.Also check out the PASS X.5 and XA series.A bit sweeter than JC 1s.
I am driving my 803D's with McCormack's DNA-500 and am fairly content with it. My source is a Wadia 581SE. I originally found this combination somewhat on the bright side. I believe the source and speakers lean toward the bright side and the Amp is fairly neutral. I added a Marantz SC7S1 pre and am now very pleased with the overall balance. I would like to try a big Pass Labs amp but don't have the opportunity to audition one very easily.

I believe that any system will need some balancing. The JC1's may work very well with the rest of your equipment. I very nearly purchased a JC2 preamp but the dealer wouldn't ship to Canada.

I like the concept of a monoblock as well. The JC1 might do the trick for you. At this point the only piece I would consider changing is the McCormack. Not that there is anything wrong with it. It just may be getting long in the tooth and I wonder what if something else sounds better...