FleetwoodMac's "Then Play On" ; Best remaster??

I recntly have rediscovered Fleetwood Mac through the album "Tusk" which seems to capture some the magic of the earlier Mac albums, like Future Games and Bare Trees.

I have read that the title called: "Then Play On" is also excellent, but the 1990 remaster by Warner Bros, blows

Anyone know if there is a high quality CD or even LP remaster of this title?? Thank you
IMHO, this is a great record that never sounded great. None of the digital versions that I own touch the original UK vinyl, which was nothing special, itself.

One thing to be aware of - there are two versions out there. The original has a bunch of Danny Kirwan tracks which were later deleted on re-issues in favor of Peter Green's last hurrah, "Oh, Well". The Kirwan tracks are great and "Oh, Well" is available elsewhere (compilations), so I'd tend to look for original track list - which probably offers the best sound quality, anyway.

Another note - The "Oh Well" that Buckingham/Nicks era Fleetwood Mac does on live records is only the first (rockin!) section of the song, It omits the strange Spanish flavored acoustic section and the finale. Again, worth owning IMO, but not the whole story.

Marty, I guess early Mac fans will have to lobby for a quality remaster of "Then Play On" Not sure today's version of the band will merit any record company to take the original master tapes (which might sound like crap)to produce a re-issue. They would rather keep pushing crap like "Daughtry" and "has beens" from American Idol into the limelight. Thanks for the information.
I have three LPs (two with "Oh Well), one without. With "Oh Well", "Fighting for Madge" shows up on side two. There are no "lost" Kirwan songs.