Recommend a Used Solid State Preamp for About $5k

Please submit your recommendations for a used solid state preamp for approx $4-6K.

In your recommendations, please state the merits of the unit you suggest.

I am about to purchase a pair of Pass Labs X-600 monos and I'd like to try a solid state preamp with them.

I'm currently using an Audio Research Ref2 mk2. I'd like to do a side by side comparison with a solid state preamp in that price range to see which one I would prefer.

......the rest of my system:

Infinity Kappa 9 speakers
Audio Research Ref2 mk2 preamp
Audio Research CD2
Audio Research PH3-SE
Grado Platinum cartridge
Sansui TU-X1 tuner
Signal Cables throughout


Nobody's mentioned Klyne. They are excellent SS preamps, and a used System 7 should be well under your budget, if you can find one.
Does anyone have any experience with the Pass Labs X.02? It is right at $5k used.
Placette Active. A good friend of mine has it in front of his Pass 350.5 and it's a wonderful match.
I had a Placette passive before, it was very current ARC Ref2 mk2 eclipses it.

I'm looking to see if I can find a SS preamp that sounds better than the ARC Ref2 mk2 in the same price range. I'm not looking to change just for the sake of changing. If I can't find anything that I like better for $5k...the Ref2 stays and I'll be content. I'm not dissatisfied with it, I just want to see if I can improve upon it or find something I like better for just about the same price I paid for it...$5200.
Look for a preowned current Marantz SC-7S1 preamp. Lists for $7500 but should be around $5K preowned. I had sold my Levinson 32 after hearing the SC-7S1 in my system.