Amps for Vandersteen 3A Signature SS or Tube?

Any Vandy owners care to comment about the combination with one of the following or make any other recommendations?

1. Levinson (33x or 43x)
2. Rowland (new or old monos)
3. Nuforce (Reference 9)
5. Ayre (V5x)
6. Belles (350A Reference)

1. Conrad Johnson (Premier 12 monos)
2. Antique Sound Labs (DT 1009)
3. Jadis (Defy 7)
The Vandersteens are a good speaker and an excellent value. They are a bit veiled. I find solidstate brings out their best. The Belles would be an excellent choice.
Would suggest you add the McCormack DNA-125 or DNA-225 to your list. Solid-state punch and detail, tube smoothness.
I would disaggree I think the tubes are better vansersteen are laid back and very detailed. I find with SS it makes them a bit harsh Tubes are just smoother and flow the muxic better. Then again I never had 3 I had 2cesig and now 5a's.

I would go out and listen to both, look at the pros and cons of tubes and then start narrowing your choice from there. It all depends on wht you like to hear.
How are speakers both "laid back and detailed"? I don't understand that description. 1, 2 a 3 Vandersteens are of a similar character. The 5 is a different class altogether. I still suggest solidstate to bring out the best the 3 has to offer but, if tubes are chosen, I would look for a modern design that is not as euphonic as most of the older amps tend to be.