KT-88 single end ..audiopax question.

Hi AuGoNeRs,
for the past year and a half i ve been trying all different kind of flea power SE amplifiers on my avantgarde uno horn.Most of the advices i got from members is to try the 2a3/300b/45 tubes.. I ve tried 2a3 and 300B with my horn and it sound wonderfull with my speakers,but seem like alot of avantgarde horn owner said that the audiopax kt-88 is a match made in heaven for the avantgarde..KT-88 SE???( I see alot of statement(you dont know your avantgarde til matting it with the audiopax)) can anyone explain what make this kt-88 sound better then the 300b/2a3 or 45? thanks

current system. avantgarde uno-supratek syrah-cary 2a3-SF dac/transport
I have Zu Definitions and Zu Druids in separate systems. 101db/w/m and the Definitions are 16Hz - 22kHz; Druids 38Hz - 22kHz. I have heard the Audiopaxes on Avantgardes though, and they work perfectly with each other. Between the Audiopax 88s and the Audion Golden Dream Level 6s, it's a tie, honestly. They're equally appealing but somewhat different. The Audiopax has advantage in bass definition. Audion Golden Dreams have advantage in midrange density. The two are even on top. I've heard the Art Audio PX25 on multiple systems including AGs, and Audion's PX25 amps. They're good -- very revealing and more objective than run-of-the-mill 300Bs, but sound is relatively cold, lean. Not in the same league as the Audiopax Stereo 88 let alone the 88 monoblocks. The Yamamoto 08s.....very nice by any standard but less dynamic, less lively than the amps I chose instead.
I'll be your Huckelberry, lets shoot it out! the
ultimate prize? can only come in my estimation
from 106DB speakers matched to the purest of
single ended mastery. The weapon of choice, well
"The Man Him self!" Joe Fratus, This Time we
let Em go scary crazy! One of a kind, Mono Block
PX25s, over sized custom output transformers, &
Newly implemented V-Caps though out, The REAL, I
mean "REAL GOOD STUFF" Joe admitted, we've never
Built a PX25 Like this Last One! You Know What
They Say? Its Not Over, Till Its Over. And By The
Way, I'm not ruling out the Yamamoto, having D.C.
regulation Mod. makes it the quitest Amp on the
planet, in conjuntion with the Best and Only Tube
to use, EML45s! it is said to have more presence
than any NOS Globe 45, by A wide margin, All Said
Dude, You better check your pistol, make sure you
have Bullits in it, Ha, Ha, Ha. I'll have report
in Apox. 3 weeks, Joes very slow, and 08s is now
5-6 wk. wait, direct from Japan, Its almost Sun
Down for the Show Down! M.G.
Well, the problem with the PX25 amp is the PX25 itself. It makes an excellent but relatively soulless amp, no matter what you throw at it in iron and caps. It's singular persistent sonic superiority is bass performance. In even mediocre designs the PX25 yields the cleanest bass heard from any power triode.

The Audiopax 88s, expecially if you spring for some EAT or NOS Gold Lion KT88s, has all the revelation, clarity and definition of the PX25, but communications more emotion. These differences are small, but quite discernible, compared to more ordinary hamfisted amps. The Yamamoto projects more emotion than the PX25 but has less aliveness than the Audiopax, IMO.

No doubt Art Audio can build a one-off to get the most out of the PX25. There's not a clunker in the AA line.

Audion isn't as well known here un the US but even their least expensive 300B amps have a charcteristic fast and penetrating quality. The Golden Dream is genuinely special in what it accomplishes. You don't have to put up with the 45's anemia but you get its emotion and incisiveness. And you get an electrolytic-less power supply with magnetic reserve. Fast!

Those Avantgardes are pretty frigid sounding and each one of those drivers kinda likes to go its own way. It takes a charming amp to corral them into a single voice. A PX25 ain't charming. And a 45 can't corral them.

But we're splitting hairs. Whether you abandon your nominated amps or check out mine, you're going to end up with something worth listening to. Avantagardes.....now that's another discussion entirely.
