Are you spending your time at the computer instead

of listening to your system? Is your hobby leaning more and more towards internet sites and discussion groups on things hi-fi or are you still listening to as much recorded music as before? Do you do both at the same time, and if yes, do you think that it is a good thing to have a mega dollar system's sound "filtered" through a video display screen.
Why not do both? The "quiet click" keyboard helps. True ... not concentrating as much on the music. Overall though, isn't community as important as art?
A have a second system in the home office/den, so I don't miss a beat. Even has phono.
This is what I do while watching my 2 yr old daughter play in the sandbox or watch educational videos. Rest time. Strange little girl, likes Mingus but not Miles, loves Mendelssohn, but no Beethoven but the 3rd Symphony, loves Marshall Tucker Band and the Tom Tom Club.

Mommy thinks the music is too loud for her, can only listen at realistic levels when they go out, as the main system is too close Gigi's bedroom.