New blood needs your Amp/system advice, please.

Greetings, Fellow Enthusiasts. This is my debut post on any sort of hi-fi forum. Excited to begin tapping into some of your knowledge/expertise.

I am slowly trying to piece together a clean, simple and very musical two channel experience. Cut my 'Seperates' teeth on a Rotel system about nine years ago... good entry level gear. My pre-amp recently died and I started a pupae phase of more critical listening and put together a few new pieces.

current system:

power plant: PS Audio PS-600

pre-amp: Audio Research LS3

cd: Naim CD5i

amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc}

speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.

speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"

interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200

The system sounds okay with vocals, guitar and horns etc. but is fairly flat and muddy in much of the mid-lower ends. It's seems obvious that these speakers are severely underpowered. Is this likely what I am hearing? What steps should I take to attain more balance in this system? How much power would be enough?

What Amps would you recommend?

Got a great deal on most of this gear and am still auditioning. Am not really married to any of it and am willing to consider replacing to gain a more musical enjoyment.

Thanks in advance for your time on this.

Cheers! Timothy
It would seem you don't really like what the Rotel is doing...and I would argue its not really a function of pwer ratings....find an amp that is perhaps less warm..
For a new blood I must commend you on your great hearing!
You have accurately described what this speaker does on a frequency plot chart.There's a 2.5 Ohm load around 104 Hz. Also there's a huge boost in the upper bass output. The upper/mid treble also has a boost. The woofers and tweeters/midrange appear to be wired out of phase. No amount of room treaments or cabling will change it. You can help out the bass with a higher current amplifier...if you want to keep the speakers.Here you can read it for yourself Measurements .We audiophiles sometimes live in denial and find any means to bandaid a problem. My theory ..get rid of what's causing the problem and move on.
I need you to come over and ear tweak my system when you have time. ;-)

If you want to try something on the cheap, check out my NAD 2600 that's for sale. It sounds like a good fit for your power needs. Lots of good current and punch.
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Start auditioning gear.
It doesn't cost anything but your time.
If one or more amps don't wake up the speakers then...