B&K ST 202+

I am new here and I have a few questions. I have an old B&K St 202+ amp and a matching Pro 5 pre. The amp works great and in fact, it is too powerful for the PSB B25's that I used to test it. The preamp has a burned out power light and the lettering on the units is blue. The RCAs on the back of the amp are not marked and I have no way of knowing how much power there really is. These units were built by a B&K employee for my former neighbor. I do not need this much power and I am leaning toward a smaller Arcam and Rotel system in the near future. This equipment seems in pretty good shape and does it have any value? How do I know the wattage?
Your support of the B&k gear is refreshing. If I stay in this forum, I am going to be talked into keeping everything!! Ha! The truth of the matter is that I do not possess the capital I did a year ago. I am addictive when it comes to electronics thats for sure. I used to build computers and I switched 2-3 times a year. I suppose I just want something new. I am anxious to hear some other lines. This amp does seem to be rare...at least not as plentiful as it used to be. Another thing, I do not not believe the previous owner realized what a good "music" piece this is. I used to hear him blasting heavy metal on some huge Klipsch. He didn't even know how to hook it up properly.
Frisco, first your question with the McCormack Pre. Never heard it but, if I were you and had $600 I would buy a DNA.5 and hang on to the B&K until you heard the McCormack. When I had the PT3 Series 2 and the Reference 4420, it sounded real nice. No real negatives, just lacking some dynamics and soundstage. You might even prefer the B&k, who knows. This hobby can be addictive. You buy something real nice, sounds great the first pass through your CD collection. Then you start looking for negatives and what you need to purchase to make your system sound better. So, ask yourself the question, "do I want to pursue better sound or is the sound that I now have something that I can live with and enjoy for a long time". If the answer is the first part then start the pursuit. If it is the second part then save up and buy yourself a Lexus. I can't afford a Lexus so I changed my system by reading reviews, figuring out how I could improve my system without spending big bucks and took some chances. I was fortunate enough to discover Bizzy Bee audio and take the plunge into tubes. That's a whole different ballgame. I spent less than $500 net upgrading through 5 preamps and 3 power amps until I hit the plateau (I think). Anyway, welcome to the world of Audiogon and all the possibilities that you can do with this website.

Anyway, good luck and keep us informed as to your direction...
I too would keep the B&K, and sadly, no offence intended, but PSB speakers are sorely inefficient, and after owning stratus golds, My dynaudio/vifa cerwin vega combination blows the PSB's away- in ALL respects, and they require far less power to do so.

PSB's are energy hungy, what they recieve they do not give back when compared to the same caliber and quality speaker. Open one up and have a look at how they are built, the speakers and the xover's, you'll understand what I mean, esp. after you compare them to a B&W speaker, or equiv.
One other thing, it seems you some-what are new to this game, Try a better cd/source, you wouldn't believe the difference that alone can and WILL make. Try Audio Refinement by YBA, I did and I have never heard a finer player under $3k, I am proud to say, it kills my Denon 1650AR player and made a HUGE difference in sonics.

Yes, I am relatively new to this game and perhaps I am in over my head. The truth of the matter is that I try to make the best moves possible because it is hit or miss with me. I just do not have the finances to play real hardball right now. I speak very highly of PSB because they have always been loyal speakers to me. Furthermore, perhaps they are all that I know. I grew up on Marantz, Pioneer and Harmon Kardon. When I Bought my first NAD in the 1990's I thought I hit the big time. I am in the midst of a career change right now after realizing that I am not going to save the world. Its tough to be roaming a college campus again in my early 40's. Next year I will be in a better position to purchase what I want again, but I have to start somewhere.
Another thing. I realize there are better speakers and I absolutely drool when I see them. Dynaudio has a Contour series, the S 1.4 that I just know is superior. Thiel looks outstanding also. I still believe PSB is a great speaker, but like I said, I do not have the window of experience that most of you have.