Hello all,
I am wanting to experiment with tube preamps for my JC-1 monoblock amps.
Here are my requirements:
1. MUST have balanced XLR outputs.
2. Remote control preferred.
3. Would like a headphone jack.
4. Would prefer Class A, dual-mono, all discrete circuitry.
5. Must match up extremely well and have exceptional synergy with the JC-1's.
I want it to retain ALL the sound qualities of solid state preamps such as top-end extension, detail, transparency, dynamics, speed, bass power and extension, etc., while adding the dimensionality, staging, and "air" of tubes.
I do not want one that is the least bit rolled off on top, laid-back, too euphonic, warm, or rolled off or spongy in the bass.
Some balanced tube preamps I have heard some good things about are the Aesthetix Calypso, ARC LS25 MK.II, Sonic Frontiers, etc.
I want to hear from people with first hand experience only.
Thanks for all your help and answers, everyone!
Hi Angela,

I'd recommend the BAT VK-51SE, does everything on your list except the headphone jack. If the headphone jack is that important, than the Sonic Frontiers Line 3SE. Not as transparent or dynamic as the BAT, but a close second.

I have an Atma-sphere MP-3 w/phono that is fully differentially balanced & will do all the sonic things you're looking for, although no remote or headphone jack.

I'm running w/Ayre V-1xe & it's a great match-up. I was thinking about the K-1xe from a synergy standpoint, so if you'd like to swap preamps for testing purposes, let me know.
I'm using an Atma-Sphere MP-3 with JC-1s right now and think it's a great combination. I am a dealer for both. If you go with the MP-3, be sure to opt for the regulated power supply option. Sonically it will meet your criteria, but it does not have a phono jack or remote. Some people find the discrete-step resistor ladder volume control a bit clunky, but it's a very high-performance solution.

The Atma-Sphere MP-1 would be even better, but is quite a bit more expensive.

I have a couple of tube headphone amps on order, but until they arrive my headphone experience is limited to preamps with headphone jacks and a Headroom maxed-out home unit, and the Headroom was definitely better.

Suggest that you check out the Einstein preamp. No headphone jack but otherwise meets all your requirements and from personal experience, I can say that it mates extremely well with the JC-1's.