How Old is Old when considering an Amp? Krell, Bry

Greetings folks. I posted earlier in the week about wanting upgrading my system with a more musical and powerful amp. Heard a Krell system a few years back and really dug it!!! Came accross this KSA 150 and thought it looked inticing. It is my understanding that this unit could have been manufactured from 91-94 ish? How old is this in Class A Amp. years? Is there a point where all good amps must reasonably perish?

Also am curious about any used amp in the 1.5 - 2k range. How's Classe CA 200, Bryston, Plinius? Don't know much about high-end yet but am anxious to learn.

current system:
power plant: PS Audio PS-600
pre-amp: Audio Research LS3
cd: Naim CD5i
amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc} weakest link!
speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.
speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"
interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200
Personally I'd be wary of the Krell that old as the caps should probably be replaced. The Krell's run very hot. A newer one or a Classe, Bryston or Plinius are all good. You can get a Classe 201 for under 2k and a Bryston 4BST for around 1200. Both are good choices. The Plinius is an excellent choice too and whether or not you need the extra power I don't know. Of the three the Plinius may be the best amp but it can vary due to system synergy.
This is a very good question. I have some amps that are 40+ years old that work but required maintenance. On the other hand I am using a 30ish year old integrated in a second system that never needed any repairs and sounds great for what it is. I have found that an old ARC amp (solid state) from that period blows fuses once in a while and a Coda preamp from the same era- 1991 dropped a channel, I think I have a fat chance fixing that.
Krell I dare say is different. If you send them your amp they will refurb it for a price and you will have a sound that audio historians consider legendary. It might be worth buying with the full knowledge that your first move is sending it to Krell and you will have to invest a couple of hundred getting into excellent working condition, otherwise only buy old equipment you can afford to lose completely.
I can vouch for Classe's service. I have a CA-200 that had a little problem. I sent it to Classe where they fixed it, made some updates, and replaced the RCA jacks because they showed signs of normal wear. They didn't charge me anything but I did have to pay for shipping. I think I made out considering I'm not the original owner and the amp was out of warranty. Plus, it came back sounding more glorious than ever!

I'll never buy a component who's company offers little or no customer service. It's simply not worth it, especially if you're buying used.