How Old is Old when considering an Amp? Krell, Bry

Greetings folks. I posted earlier in the week about wanting upgrading my system with a more musical and powerful amp. Heard a Krell system a few years back and really dug it!!! Came accross this KSA 150 and thought it looked inticing. It is my understanding that this unit could have been manufactured from 91-94 ish? How old is this in Class A Amp. years? Is there a point where all good amps must reasonably perish?

Also am curious about any used amp in the 1.5 - 2k range. How's Classe CA 200, Bryston, Plinius? Don't know much about high-end yet but am anxious to learn.

current system:
power plant: PS Audio PS-600
pre-amp: Audio Research LS3
cd: Naim CD5i
amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc} weakest link!
speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.
speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"
interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200
This is a very good question. I have some amps that are 40+ years old that work but required maintenance. On the other hand I am using a 30ish year old integrated in a second system that never needed any repairs and sounds great for what it is. I have found that an old ARC amp (solid state) from that period blows fuses once in a while and a Coda preamp from the same era- 1991 dropped a channel, I think I have a fat chance fixing that.
Krell I dare say is different. If you send them your amp they will refurb it for a price and you will have a sound that audio historians consider legendary. It might be worth buying with the full knowledge that your first move is sending it to Krell and you will have to invest a couple of hundred getting into excellent working condition, otherwise only buy old equipment you can afford to lose completely.
I can vouch for Classe's service. I have a CA-200 that had a little problem. I sent it to Classe where they fixed it, made some updates, and replaced the RCA jacks because they showed signs of normal wear. They didn't charge me anything but I did have to pay for shipping. I think I made out considering I'm not the original owner and the amp was out of warranty. Plus, it came back sounding more glorious than ever!

I'll never buy a component who's company offers little or no customer service. It's simply not worth it, especially if you're buying used.
i have a p300 accuphase that is 35 years old and has never been serviced. it performs flawlessly. it is possible for a quality ss amp to go for decades without service.
Electronic equipment can always be restored to original condition, IF, (a big if) the needed parts are still available. The technology moves fast, and the available "new and better" devices may not be suitable for the original circuits. Custom switches and pots are the bigest headache.