How Old is Old when considering an Amp? Krell, Bry

Greetings folks. I posted earlier in the week about wanting upgrading my system with a more musical and powerful amp. Heard a Krell system a few years back and really dug it!!! Came accross this KSA 150 and thought it looked inticing. It is my understanding that this unit could have been manufactured from 91-94 ish? How old is this in Class A Amp. years? Is there a point where all good amps must reasonably perish?

Also am curious about any used amp in the 1.5 - 2k range. How's Classe CA 200, Bryston, Plinius? Don't know much about high-end yet but am anxious to learn.

current system:
power plant: PS Audio PS-600
pre-amp: Audio Research LS3
cd: Naim CD5i
amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc} weakest link!
speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.
speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"
interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200
Class A amps should probably be serviced every 15-20 years depending upon use. AB amps aren't as stressed and can probably go 20-30 years without any noticeable impact. Since the Krell is near that 15 year mark you should keep that in mind when negotiating a price. Once it's serviced it will probably be good for another 15 years. I'd imagine with proper maintainance an amp could last forever.

Something tells me your not very good at building stereo systems...HeHeHe

The Ksa-150/250's are around $400 for Krell to rebuild to spec..shipping another couple hundred. 15 years is a long life for these two Ksa-250 went out at 12 years. The Ksa-150 does not run as hot as the 250 so my last longer?

I am fond of quoting Nelson Pass from my Aleph 3 owner's manual. This oft excerpted comment might be of interest:

...single ended Class A operation is the least efficient operating mode. In fifteen years the electrolytic power supply capacitors will get old. Depending on usage, you will begin to have semiconductor and other failures between 10 and 50 years after date of manufacture. Later, the sun will cool to a white dwarf, and after that the universe will experience heat death.
As noted above, amps that run hot tend to fail sooner, due to the degradation of the capacitors, etc. I have no direct experience with Krell, but am familiar with Classe, and currently own Bryston gear. Bryston amps tend to operate at a moderately warm state, although like any amp they do heat up more when they are driven hard. However, my two Bryston amps have never gotten so hot they are uncomfortable to touch.

Bryston's 20-year unconditional and transferrable warranty sets the standard for the industry, and their customer service is outstanding. They even pay the return shipping charge after the repair is completed.

IMO, their current "SST" line of amps will compete with just about any amp costing up to twice as much, and they hold their resale value very well.
Jameswei - LOL about the Sun - but it will actually expand into a red giant swallowing the first 4 planets about 5G years from now....but back to the subject....Electrolytics all dry out eventually - the first sign is Hum caused by inadequate filtering - old ones can also leak, causing a black residue around the bad capacitor.