How Old is Old when considering an Amp? Krell, Bry

Greetings folks. I posted earlier in the week about wanting upgrading my system with a more musical and powerful amp. Heard a Krell system a few years back and really dug it!!! Came accross this KSA 150 and thought it looked inticing. It is my understanding that this unit could have been manufactured from 91-94 ish? How old is this in Class A Amp. years? Is there a point where all good amps must reasonably perish?

Also am curious about any used amp in the 1.5 - 2k range. How's Classe CA 200, Bryston, Plinius? Don't know much about high-end yet but am anxious to learn.

current system:
power plant: PS Audio PS-600
pre-amp: Audio Research LS3
cd: Naim CD5i
amp: Rotel RB 981 {120 wpc} weakest link!
speakers: Paradigm Studio 100's V3.
speaker cables: Transparent "The Wave"
interconnects: Interlink "The Link" 200
Hey, I am very good at it, First step dont buy overhyped crap, Nordost Krell. Then dont waste money on wire. Biggest rip off in history. Too many people on here have more money than brains. Secondly, let your ears decide not others .
the ksa 150 is a killer amp for sure,ive owned several of them & i thought they were one of the best amp's ive ever heard in my home easily competing with my other amp's costing ten time's the amount you can buy a used ksa 150 for.

try not to get too caught up in the hype you'll read here as everybody has their own idea of what good gear is, there will alway's be somebody posting that krell gear is too much of this or not enough of that,anytime somebody ask's about high powered high profile gear like krell,mcintosh or levinson there are guy's who hate the way it sounded to them but you have heard krell gear & you liked it so i'd say go for the krell.

there are a few thing's to look at when buying a ksa 150 & how hard the amp was ran & how much use it has seen will greatly affect it's life span,take a few minutes & look under the hood & check out the cans,look for any discoloration or cracks & look at the heat sink's too,heat sink's that have alot of blueing usually mean the amp has been ran hard or over heated several time's.

dave's run down on the cost to have krell rebuild the amp is spot on,let's say you pay $1500 for a ksa 150 then somewhere down the line you have it rebuilt from krell for a cost of $500 that bring's your cost up to 2k & there is not alot of amp's out there in the 2k range that can even come close to what a freshly rebuilt ksa 150 is capable of.
