tube/integrated 2ch beginner

Looking to incorporate some better 2 channel into my system. Was thinking of a Jolida 1501 RC and Jolida jd100 or musical fidelity A3. My current system is primarily ht set up w a yamaha rxv1500 pre/pro and adcom 7607. Great ht sounds but not music friendly. Trying to keep budget around $1000. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
It would help to know what you are going to match this up with? Speakers, CDP, etc.

As far as a cdp was thinking jolida, have heard good things re sound quality for the price..As far as speakers I currently have def tech 7004's. I know, I know, I know, they aren't great speakers for 2 ch. But they rock for ht and that is 80% of what i do currently(mostly concert dvds)..So for now that they will have to serve both purposes.
Ditto Trelja on this. The 302b is VERY hard to beat FOR THE MONEY. A great entry level all tube integrated amplifier.
You can't go wrong with the PrimaLuna Prologue 1. Autobiasing makes this a turn it on and play music amp.