Is it bad to stack your equipment

Is it really bad to stack components on top of each other. I keep getting more and more multi box components like a DAC/CD and preamps that have clean/dirty box configurations. High end racks cost so much money it would seem I could save a lot of money by stacking some equipment.


I can't tell you the right answer, but here are some things to think about:

1. temperature & air flow

2. vibration/physical isolation

3. ease of keeping cables well separated

(I ended up building my own flexy type rack when I ran out of room & didn't want to pay big bux).

Happy listening,
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Well all my equipnment is stacked. Has been for years. I have gotten into tube pre amps and am now having issues. I was at my dealer about a month ago and he hooked up my system and was a/b cd players for me. he had one in the rack and one on top of the pre. after I listened for a while and decided he took the one off the pre amp and said it woudl now sound better. Couldn't beleve it! just adding air around the componment mades a big difference in sound.

For solid state I never herd a big difference but for the stuff I have now wow wouldn't of beleved it.