BEL 1001 amps. Specs and ordering

Does anyone know how to contact the owner of Brown Electronics Labs about their BEL 1001 amps? Also, Are the amps pure class A and can anyone compare the sound to other high quality amps?
I'm currently using Channel Islands D200 mono blocks with Odyssey Lorelei sepakers.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Turek, what did you end up doing? I too am thinking of BEL, and Ayre for an SS amp for my Merlin VSM-MXe (they like underdamped amplfiers).
Pubul57 - I'm also considering investigating the BEL 1001's for my Merlin VSMs. What did you end up doing?
I decided to try the Atma-sphere OTLs. While I want the maintenance free aspects of SS, I can't quite buy that Merlins don''t always sound their best with tubes. But either BEL, Ayre, or Pass would be by SS amps of choice. Bobby did suggest that the BEL 1001 would do well with the Merlins.
Yes, that's how I ended up narrowing down to the BEL's. I had M60 Mk II's for a couple of years. Now using Cayin 860 tubed monoblocks that I really like. Just looking to simplify with ss amps.

What would be your #1 SS amp recommendation for the Merlins?
