Anyone heard the Consonance Cyber 800 amps?

Was just looking through the specs on these cool looking mono-blocks and was wondering if anyone has had any experience with them.

What type of speakers will they drive? Are they OK with an electrostat? Overall sound character? etc?

I read the review from HiFi+ which was quite favorable, which has now piqued my interest.

Thanks to any & all responders!
Cybers feature auto-bias. It's auto biasing each tube for maximum performance.
Hello, Mrjstark!

Some of the other Cyber amplifiers actually are manual bias. In fact, because of this feature, which I consider a convenience, I have modified my own Cyber 211 amplifiers to be able to run both 211 and 845 output tubes without having to perform any of the usually required surgery. Flip the switch, change tubes, rebias, DONE.

The 211 is more open, detailed, and forward, possesing that midrange magic. The 845 is more romantic and full-bodied, with a lot more in the way of low frequencies. They make for a far more disparate sound than I would have ever expected. I like the fact of being able to change so easily from one to the other to suit my mood, music, ancillary components, etc. I could never do this if the amps were autobias.
Dear Trejla.
I agree with you a 100% about magical midrange & phenomenal ability to reproduce vocals of Cyber 211. Choosing Cybers 800 was a difficult decision which was base on two factors.
1. Motivating reason for purchasing 800s was significant discount ( SHOW demo pair ).
2. I like they ability of reproducing different kinds of music equally well. In my opinion they didn't have any significant weaknesses but I have to admit that they didn't shine in any particular area neither. In general a very universal amp. That was exactly what I was looking for.
Now going back to your last post. Your idea of modifying 211 & making them comparable with 845 tubes sounds very interesting and tempting in the same time. Trelja can you help me out with some questions regarding your modificacion and my speakers?
1. I love jazz & blues but I also like to ROCK the house sometimes. That's one of the reasons I choose Cyber 800. Do you think that 211-modify will rock my boat or only classic, jazz, small band & acoustic recordings would benefit from this mod?
2.Vandersreen Quatros sensitivity is: 87dB - do you think 211 will have enough power and authority to drive them ( I'm a little sceptic to be honest )?
3.If the answer is yes can this upgrade be provided with possibility of a trade in?
Sincerely M.Stark
M. Stark, thank you for your inquiry! Here are my answers to your questions:
1) Without a back-loaded horn type speaker, none of the 211, 845, or 300B variants can rock out like the Cyber 800. With a more traditional dynamic speaker, the Cyber 800 is the powerhouse of the group, no question.

That being said, with the right loudspeaker, you can do pretty well. I usually listen at 90 dB+, and my favorite amplifiers of the bunch are the Cyber 300B PSE, they have a level of refinement and delicacy unmatched by most any other amplifiers I've heard. Interestingly enough, they seem to mate best with traditional speakers. I like the 211 best with back-loaded horns (using Lowther type drivers) such as Lamhorns, etc., and the 845 seems to do the best with front loaded horns like the Consonance M15)

2) You and I are of the same mind. The only way to really answer the question is to try the combination. If you have the speakers, I'm willing to supply the amps so that we can give them a go

3) The short answer is that we can probably work something out for you

ps - I'm going away for a few days to the New Jersey shore, and if I do not respond to further inquiries, please accept my apologies in advance.
To: Joe Trelli

Have a Good time Joe ( you deserve it )! I'll talk to you soon.
