What headphone amp to buy-Sennheiser HD 600?

Well, thanks to the kindness and patience of my fellow A'gon-izers, the hook-up "problem" for the headphone amp I have is solved. The amp is a Ramsey SHA 1. The phones are Sennheiser HD 600. I had remembered that amp sounding great. Now I'm spoiled by the new speakers I have, and even though the signal path to the amp is thru the Dodson DAC, I still think it sounds........not so great. Decent I suppose, but harsh on the upper end, yet without the mitigating detail, and you know, just.....unsatisfactory.

OK, OK, so here's the question(s): What's a great, fairly cheap (like, at LEAST less than a grand) headphone amp? Sonically, I want EVERYTHING!!!! (Except soundstage, that has never happened for me with any headphones, ever, I'm pretty sure not even with the expensive Stax I heard a few years ago).
It MUST have: Tight, deep, fast, smooth, tonally correct, musical bass, shimmering, non-fatiguing, emminently smooth yet ultra detailed highs, great midbass punch with no boom or softness whatsoever, midrange that is totally natural, smooth, detailed, and lacking any hint whatsoever of grain or electronic amplification artifact in the upper registers. It should sound great on ALL program material, from classical to rock to bluegrass to new age to jazz, anything and everything.

Other than those relatively modest criteria, there are no other performance demands. :)))

So, fire away!
If I may chime in, the biasing is not that precise and digital mms are pretty hard to get on the gnat's a$$ anyways, an analog would be fine, but Rat Shack makes a small digital model where the leads store right inside the fold top case. Mine is Cat # 22-810 and is cost about $20-$25, IIRC.
I use a Fluke. No need to go that direction. Take Swampwalker's good advice. That'll do the job just fine. Since you are new to this, have the salesman show you just how to set it to read mV. It should be clearly marked...but just in case...

Swampwalker and Marco,
Thanks for the info. I'll go back to Radio Shack for "round two" pretty soon. Glad to hear that biasing is not that precise. Will look for Cat. #22-810, if available. This (entire thread) has been a great learning experience and a lot of fun (for me at least--LOL!!!). Thanks again, guys. By the way, dare I ask what a Fluke is?
You're welcome Bill...enjoy!


PS Fluke manufactures various electriconic test tools. Overkill for your purposes - no need to spend that kind of money. I think their least expensive multimeter is currently around $150. Save your money and buy some new music.