tube watts vs solid state watts

(newbie here)...Does a 60 tube watt amplifier produce the same perceived "loudness" as a 60 watt solid state amplifier with the same speaker/preamp level?
Alpha 03, while tube amps may not be able to increase power into lower impedances, solid state amps will decrease power into higher impedances. Some speakers actually do maintain a relatively stable load. Try running a 16 Ohm speaker with most solid state amps. I think the previous posters got it right. Tubes usually clip more gracefully. Solid state usually can offer more power less expensively. Your choice of speakers and to some extent up line components may have a large influence on amp choices. BTW, I'm more of a ss amp kinda guy.
People go on and on about one brand of tube vs another, but I think that it is the audio output transformer which largely determines the sonic quality of a tube amp. It's not easy to "roll" transformers so there is little discussion of this subject.

The early success of Dyna Kit (later known as Dynaco) was due to the fact that before they designed and sold amplifier kits they were a manufacturer of top notch transformers.