Shelves & Stand for heavy SS Amps.

Which the Better for the Heavy SS Amps 180 pounds.

1) Symposium Ultra Shelve with Sound Anchor Model A Stand.
2) Symposium Ultra Shelve with Aurios Pro between
Floor (carpet) and Symposium Ultra Shelve.

Thanks for All.
The Billy Bags 2020 (20" x 20") will hold anything, comes with great cones, and is (or used to be) available on
Audio Advisor at a discount.
I used Sound Anchor stands for my BAT VK500. It was built like a tank and reasonably priced. They will build one to your exact specs too.
I just put my 150 lb SS amps on Sistrum SP101 platforms. I am very pleased with the results, which is interesting because I always found amps to be most reticent to many tweaks. The noise floor dropped with increasing clarity, depth, and weight to the instruments.
