Advice on pricing old Audio Research pieces


I'm looking for help with pricing for a Audio Research SP6 pre amp and a D52B power amp. They are both from 1979. Any ideas?
I'm not into spending $20 to find 2 prices...
I would be more interested first in there condition.If and when they went back ( if at all ) to be serviced.If not I would suggest split the cost to have then sent back to audio research to have then checked and brought up to date. Other than that no matter what brand,there could be issues if no service has been done since being manufacturred...
OK thanks for the comments- I see your point about the blue book- I don't anticipate using it much but you're right....
Last week a SP6A pre sold for $611 on epray. The Power amp is probably less valuable as it is SS. I paid $350 for a d100b a couple of year ago, yes it still works, if it were tube there is a collectors market but old solid state ARC never gets a ton of money, not like Mac or Krell. You can either do a lot of work or buy a blue book. How's that for a direct answer!!
BLue book doesn't really reflect current market sales. EBAY has changed that dramtically. Condition is everything in vintage audio. Demand for any audio piece is an elusive concept. Factor in the blue book, ebay , audiogon and you'll get an idea for a asking price. Ultimately you accept a a price from a buyer you can live with- Good luck. Be patient