Recommend tube amp for $3.5K used

I'm going to make one significant upgrade this spring, and am considering a used tube amp in the not to exceed $3.5K range. I'm not sure if I should go with a moderate/high powered push-pull (Berning ZH 270 or various VAC, ARC, etc) or a lower powered SET amp (Art Audio, Cary, etc...). Musical tastes range from rock (Paul Westerberg, Pete Yorn, Springsteen) to Dianna Krall, Lyle Lovett, Jack Johnson, some classical, etcetera.

I see a lot of people bi-amping... but is that really necessary with highly efficient speakers (95dB @ 8 ohms)?

My speakers (Silverline Sonata II's) and Joule Electra LA 150 preamp are keepers, so recommendations should have good synergy with these components.

I want good dynamics, solid bass, air, soundstage, detail, while remaining fatigue-free. Yes... I know I'm asking for the moon.
I own a Vac Renaissance Thirty/Thirty MKIII and the Berning ZH270 and listen to similar music through less efficient Sonus Faber speakers. The Berning is transparent and dynamic, but when it comes to air, soundstage, detail and the emotional impact of the music, my vote goes BIG time to the VAC. As for biamping, I try to keep things as simple as possible... it's easy to lose the magic as things get more complex. Minimize electronics and cabling, maximize speaker positioning and room acoustics. Good luck and have fun!
I'll put in my Happy New Year recommendation for the Aronov Audio LS-960 which sounds like what you requested. Sorry that Santa missed your house with this one.
With its used price down in the $1100 range, it is definitely the "made in USA" bargain among many fine recommendations. Even new, it doesn't require stretching your budget.
I have been a voice in the wilderness on this company for almost as long as my Audiogon membership. I am guessing new buyers are relatively few now that the company sells direct, and the company resolutely refuses to jazz up their website.
Even though my support is kind of on auto-pilot, among other positive attributes, the bass is truly surprisingly wonderful and goes a long way toward showing why this has always been a really fun part of the audio addiction, long before kids started putting sub-woofers in their car trunks.
I need just one more true believer to join my committee to find deserving homes for a deserving amp. Apparently, other Aronov owners are the strong, silent type.
Try a Blue Circle BC28. I had one but sold it because I needed to consolidate into a multichannel for space. I would buy it again if I had the room. They are tough to find used, but if one does pop up, I would tell you to give it a try.