Using Double Preamplification vs X10D V3

Why using a single buffering unit with tubes at the output stage of your solid state preamp(ei:Musical fidelity X10 v3)?
Why not hook all your sources to your SS preamp and then connect the output stage of that pre to a good Tube Preamp auxilliary stage. Adjusting the Vol. characteristics of the tube preamp to an optimal volume and further on connecting its output stage to your amplifier?
Has anyone tried this setup?
Call me old fashioned, but I believe in the sanctity of the single preamp system. It may be that on the east or west coast that sort of dual preamp behavior passes as normal, but here in the Midwest it's, dare I sound un-PC, unnatural. I hereby request that Audiogon revise the rules of the Forums to ban any further discussion of dual preamp system and not accept any new posts advocating their dual preamp lifestyle.
So is there a volume control setting on the Parasound that sounds best for all situations?
Onhwy61, I think you need to get out more. :)

Rwwear, I can't say that I've experimented that thouroughly with all the possible volume settings. Since both preamps have gain neither of them has to be turned up that high. I believe I have the Parasound set between 10 and 11 O'clock and the TAD ranges between 11 and 12 O'clock. It seems to work well like that. I do have to turn up the TAD a bit further when I use my turntable as opposed to the CD playback system, which has higher output. The input sensitivity of the amps and the speaker efficiency plus a few other things affect the spot on the dial where good listening volume is achieved.

I think DrMoles was alluding to the fact that many volume controls' interchannel tracking is usually more accurate at higher settings.