Should Rotel be ok to drive Totem Forrest?

Does anyone use Rotel to drive Totem forrest? I would like to hear what you think about it?

Totem Forrest are great speakers. They image like crazy. Have superior bass for their small stature. And, throw a soundstage like nobody's business.

That being said, I like Totem Forrest and have them in my 2nd system. "CELLOROVER" makes a good point... Which Rotel amp are you considering? You could go with a receiver, small amp with separates or the large 380W Stereo Amp.

My system is driven with a Krell Showcase DVD, Audio Refinement Pre, and Marsh A400S amp which is 200W into 8 ohms and nearly 400W into 4 ohms. I'll tell you the bass, detail, dynamics and soundstage is incredible for my 18x20' room.

Totem's are releative ineffecient speakers, so you really need to concentrate on a competently designed amp with sufficient power supply to drive these 4 ohm speakers. You don't want to run out of juice just when you need it most.

I do not have Rotel, however, I would suggest that you would not go wrong with the Rotel 200W stereo amp. If your budget allows for the BIG 380W amp, the sound with that amp will give you fantastic dynamics and not the mention great damping factor for speaker control.

Sorry to run on, but the more information you have, the better decision you can make.

Happy listening
Hello again. Plinius and Musical Fidelity do make good pre-amps but with Totems I think the Plinius would win. Even though you are not into tubes, you will have a ton of Audiogoners backing me up when I say that in the world of pre-amps, tubes completely dominate. Amps are a different story and are speaker dependant.

Other pre-amps I forgot was Audible Alusions and David Berning. (both tubes.) Klyne made a good solid state.

Stay away from Krell, Levinson, Boulder, and Bryston. Very over rated and a bad match with Totem.

Good Luck and audition before buying.
George3, I have Rotel amp RB-1080 with 200 wpc and rotel pre-amp RC-1070. Even though, they sounds good to me, but i think rotel pre-amp is weakest link and i want to get the most out of Totem Forrest. So i'm thinking of upgrading either pre-amp only or integrated amp. My room is smaller , about 12x14.

Duane, I have no experience with tube. Do i have to tune in the tube (I heard someone said so) or replace the tube once in a while? How long does a tube normally last?

what do you think of Plinius 9200 and 8200 MkII? Is 9220 superior over 8200 MKII? Honestly, i heard 9200 , but not 8200 and 9200 is way over my budget even used one. Also, i am looking at Musical Fidelity integrated amp A5.

thanks again for your time giving me suggestions.

I would have to disagree with you on the Bryston being a bad matchup with totem. I have heard the B-60 SST on a pair of Arro's and hopefully will be aquiring a B-60 for my Arro's soon. The B-60 is very musical while not being colored. However what i like most is its top sounds silky smooth and really brings forth the Arro's strongpoints. Furthermore the bass is great. Grain free sound with a solid warranty to back it up. The Class A headphone amp, great pre-amp section, and small size is just a bonus.
Hello again,

The 8200 is awesome and is better than any separates I have heard in the same price range when you compare new retail to new retail.

As for tubes, pre-amps are easier because you don't have to bias them and they usually last at least 3 years and some last 5 or more years. Tubes for a pre-amp are easy to change and don't cost much. ($20 to 60 each) most pre-amps have between 4 tubes and 8 and most often only 2 to 4 of the tubes are more expensive.