Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?

I'm a reasonably well experienced audio nut and have tried a number of "good" integrated amps. I wonder, though, if there are integrated amps that are good enough for the "best", most revealing speakers. (Think Avalon Eidolon, Verity Parsifal, various JM Lab Utopias, and a variety of other fine speakers that do not have mammoth power requirements.)

People talk about the Levinson, the Musical Fidelity KW-500 and the lesser MF amps, the BAT integrated, The Rowland Concerto, etc. etc. etc.

I would like to hear from people who have actually tried the top tier of integrated amps and would be very interested in learning of their findings.

Don't need to be the most expensive. Could be the YBA Passion, Classe, MacIntosh 6900, Krell 400i, or any of a number of integrated amps that are supposed to sound good.

Hope to hear some good feedback.

Thanks very much.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjprice
The ASR emmiter is supposed to be last amp you'll ever need and is an integrated.

In response to a question from Kalan (above)

I am using the Rowland Concerto integrated amp with Verity Parsifal Encore speakers at a weekend house. These are speakers that are usually coupled with the best separates - but they sound GREAT with the Rowland.

In my home system, I have used the Rowland with my Avalon Eidolons and the little integrated sounds very close to my Spectral amps & preamp.
Jprice, I am familiar with both the Veritys and the Avalons. I like them both a lot: clean, pure timbres, fabulous tonal balance. If the Rowland Concerto sounds similar to Gamut DI-150 AND your Spectral separates, that is a fabulous recommendation.

I am enjoying a First Sound pre' and GamuT M200's combo right now, but I am always on the look out for a superior integrated amp.
Wow, the title of the post says "are there any" and there has been almost one different suggestion per post. Guess the answer is yes, there are high-end integrateds, but good luck narrowing down a list of several dozen! ;-)