Is There any Truly "High End" Integrated Amp?

I'm a reasonably well experienced audio nut and have tried a number of "good" integrated amps. I wonder, though, if there are integrated amps that are good enough for the "best", most revealing speakers. (Think Avalon Eidolon, Verity Parsifal, various JM Lab Utopias, and a variety of other fine speakers that do not have mammoth power requirements.)

People talk about the Levinson, the Musical Fidelity KW-500 and the lesser MF amps, the BAT integrated, The Rowland Concerto, etc. etc. etc.

I would like to hear from people who have actually tried the top tier of integrated amps and would be very interested in learning of their findings.

Don't need to be the most expensive. Could be the YBA Passion, Classe, MacIntosh 6900, Krell 400i, or any of a number of integrated amps that are supposed to sound good.

Hope to hear some good feedback.

Thanks very much.
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Just heard the 845 based Solista from VivA... absolutely stunning. Definitely high end, and high priced, but worth it, if you've got it.
I agree with Piedpiper, the Viva Solista is a revelation. Mine is just back from Italy for modifications and it controls and drives my Acoustic Zen Adagios beautifully. No fuzzy tube sound, crisp, clean, dynamic. I also have the Karan K 180, someone else mentioned, for hot weather use. Not as good as the Solista, but it's half the price. If you look on this site, the Solista comes up 2nd hand fairly often, I bought mine on the Gon
Another vote for Simaudio I-7 it really does qualify high end and integrated. Holographic with real timbre good power too.
There's actually two Solistas, the MkII at $16.9k and the Lt at $7800.

Another that comes to mind is the affordable Pathos Classic One MkIII.
Hi, I really don't know what "truly high end" means but if you are looking for a fast articulate delicate musical integrated amplifier, I would look no further than the Blue Circle BmPH. It replaced a PS Audio preamplifier driving a Spectral Acoustic power amplifier which had replaced a YBA DT. In the BmPH I got the power and punch of the separates with the invitation and elegance of the YBA.