Leads on mid-1960's Siemens NOS CCa 6922 tubes

I read that the Siemans CCa 6922 tubes are THE tubes to have in my DK amp. I've poked around the web and have found some but at some steep-to-insane prices. ($350.OO per tube seems nuts to me)I dunno, you guys tell me, what's "reasonable" and where can I buy them? I prefer NOS. Wishful thinking? Newbee at this stereo stuff. Thanks guys!
Upscale Audio has them starting at $250 ea. This is one of the best places to buy tubes from. Sometimes the prices are not the best but the quality and reliability is.

There are so many tubes, both NOS and non-NOS out there. If you are careful and patient you will find tubes that fit your concept of sound. First you should have a clear mental picture of the sound you want to hear - or think you want to hear - and proceed from there.
Check out this site "joe's tube lore":

"Joe" gives his opinion on so many NOS tubes. (I think his opinion is pretty darned close.) You'll be able to get a sence of where you should begin your search. Remember - there are some current production tubes which you might find acceptable too.

I'm sure the tube troops, here at the 'Gon are lining up to offer you their sage advice. Pay attention, be patient, and most of all - have some fun with it.

BTW - $700 for a pair of tubes? Yes - that's insane. :-)
good luck.

I have five pair (ten) of these NOS tubes and I think I can spare a set at MUCH less than the price you quoted (less than half). E-mail me off line if you are interested.

I tried the late 60's CCa in my DK (this is different that the early 60's CCa) and some other NOS and newer tubes. Myself as well as others that have heard all the tubes in mine prefer the JJ (ABout $20). This whole process took several months. Email me if you would like to borrow some of these for tryout.
These should provide a similar sound at much less cost. They were recommended by Chris Johnson at Partsconnexion:
