Maybe a bit late but I give you a bit of my experience with the Marantz PM7200; This was my first ever amp and I changed it with several other amp, but still I can't get rid of it as it does sound very very nice.
Class A work fully until 9W, but for most people does just fine; Bass is stong and tight, Highs are as clean as a whisle and midrange is very well projected, so it is very good for vocals.
The only downside is a noticeable distortion at high-ish volumes, and it does prefer small acoustic mixes, probably shortcuts made in the pre-amp for budget reasons.
Timing is good, but I have the impression that it trips on itself on over-processed material.
Imaging is outstanding, I still use it as a reference these days.
Not bad at all, if you find one try it and prepare your wallet...