VTL IT-85 or Mcintosh MA6500

Hello, anyone out there ever owned these two integrated amps........ I have the VTL at the moment and it sounds nice. I've had Mcintosh gear in the past and liked it too. Haven't demoed the MA6500 yet, will A/B them soon. Just want some opinions on the two pieces of gear, wondering if one really outshines the other. At the moment I have Thiel 1.5s for my speakers. Thanks for looking.
I think I'm addicted to hearing new gear every so often even if it's not a major upgrade.
The first step to recovery is admitting it. :)
Befor I found this website I had an ARC SP-6b and an Acurus power amp for 5 yrs with no complaints or obsessive thoughts........ but it is a fun hobby, something to do. but then again ignorance is bliss.
So I went and A/B'd the two amps and the Mcintosh sounded a little punchier and had a nicer midrange to it and a slightly bigger soundstage.......... the extra wattage in the Mcintosh helped I guess............ but don't get wrong the Vtl has a nice sound too, a rawness from the tubes that I like.......... Any way that's my opinion from the direct A/B listening. I wish I could have them both in my home for a couple of days. So now I guess I'm gonna sell my VTL.
Les - I totally agree with your observations. Glad you found an integrated you really like. Enjoy the McIntosh.
VELO 62 suggested that I respond. I have owned Mcintosh equipment since the 60s. Now I have a Mcintosh 2200 pre amd 352 amp, with ATC SCM 20 speakers. The speakers are wonderful, but they need at least 100 watts, and the sound is just great. This system combines the tube sound with enough punch to run the speakers.

I am working on getting together a second system for downstairs and have tried to consider what to get. Mcintosh is coming out with a 6300 amp that is 100 wpc with newer technology transistors that Chuck Hinton of Mcintosh says will sound better. I am going to wait to hear that. But, I think that in the end, I will probably buy a 2275 tube integrated because the tube sound is so great. Hope this helps. (Velo, are you going to sell me yours?)