Starting Over--Amp First

Starting my audio system over and I'd like some advise from you guys about amps. I.d like to buy an amp that will be OK for a future sort of lower High end system. Stuff like NAD, Rotel, Adcom, etc, not Levinsen, Pass, Krell. That said, I have a chance to get a Krell KSA-100 (100 watts/per pure class A) or a Conrad Johnson Motif (200 watts/channel, Or a McIntosh MC-2125 (120 watts/channel) All of these at about $1,200.00 or should I go with newer and more powerful: Adcom 5800 (250 watts/channel-all MOS-FET-Nelson Pass design) Older NAD 2700 Monitor series @ 150 watts /Channel--These others are significantly less expensive but are they good enough for a potentially "High End" TYPE of system.ALSO-I'M sticking with solid state--Been down the tube road with my guitar amps and don't want to repeat it----(Tubes DO sound "Sweeter" IMHO.


IMHO: Speakers/source---Preamp----amp---power conditioner----cords---speaker cables
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It is quite a mind, though. Speakers and source are no brainers for this 'phoolish brain as far as the embryonics of my rig. I'm not married to the which comes first chicken or the egg thing, regading amp and preamp, but speaker/source?-- for sure. OOPs, I forgot the ICs. I'd put them right after the source. Don't want to start my source behind the eight ball would you? Ah, a heavenly signal, now the journey to the speakers.
amp speaker cables and speaker should be selected simultaneously. They should be thought of as a system.IMO
your on the right line about buying "better used gear' than "new gear" at the same price.

would suggest suggest considering muse, pass, and classe (i have a older pair of muse mono's and they are not outclassed by my classe cam 350's)

going with a tube preamp gives the listener about 80% of the tube sound with a lot less tube hassle (imho..)