I am pressed for time so will have to make my comments brief.
I think both the cd player and amp will have equal influence on the sound, but the sound of each should be balanced for optimum voicing.
I am a former owner of an ARC Complete Int Amp.
If by "warmth"; you mean the natural reproduction of the timbre of instruments and voices (without some form of electronic glaze or haze), then I do not think the ARC will do it. You may disagree so by all means listen to one.
That said, I believe there are few ss amps, short of something esoteric and expensive like Rowland that will do what you wish.
I would strongly recommend that you at least listen to a tube amp before making your final decision. It doesn't have to be an expensive tube amp. If money is an issue and you still do not want to try tubes, I would suggest getting an NAD integrated amp and getting a better cd player and Harmonic Tech cables. The NAD won't be quite as transparent as the ARC, but I think it's tonal balance will be more to your liking.
Listen carefully and have some fun. This is supposed to be fun.
I think both the cd player and amp will have equal influence on the sound, but the sound of each should be balanced for optimum voicing.
I am a former owner of an ARC Complete Int Amp.
If by "warmth"; you mean the natural reproduction of the timbre of instruments and voices (without some form of electronic glaze or haze), then I do not think the ARC will do it. You may disagree so by all means listen to one.
That said, I believe there are few ss amps, short of something esoteric and expensive like Rowland that will do what you wish.
I would strongly recommend that you at least listen to a tube amp before making your final decision. It doesn't have to be an expensive tube amp. If money is an issue and you still do not want to try tubes, I would suggest getting an NAD integrated amp and getting a better cd player and Harmonic Tech cables. The NAD won't be quite as transparent as the ARC, but I think it's tonal balance will be more to your liking.
Listen carefully and have some fun. This is supposed to be fun.