Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
The original MIT Shotgun 750 Speaker Cable.When it first came out ,this stuff was just huge.The original music hose,But double in size and double the cable.A MANS CABLE FOR SURE.


now we are getting this thread back on track!

thank you

for those of you interested in BIGGEST BADDEST PS audio cables at deep discounts, there is another thread saying they are a bit "dark"
Biggest diameter; Bill Low's Big Red circa 1973 over an inch in diameter. Highest capacitance: Cobra cables, circa 1977. Stiffest: FIM Golds, circa 1998.
The Transparent MM Opus speaker cable. What can you say about a pair of cables that cost $32,000.
"What can you say about a pair of cables that cost $32,000???". I can say that they are WAY over-priced : ) Sean