Aurios under JC1 monoblock's?

My JC1's sit on 1/2" thick glass (can be seen in system pics). I know glass is not the ideal shelf for audio, but I love this rack and don't want to part with it. My question is...
Would my system benefit by putting Aurios Pro's under the amp's? Or would it just be a waste of money. Of course, if I had a couple of spare sets of Aurios laying around, I would just try it, but I don't.

Well this is quite interesting indeed...

I meticulously (see moniker) cut small squares of the above mentioned rubber flooring and slid them between the amps footers and glass. I was anticipating no effect, LOL, I was wrong.
I'll preface this by saying I make no audio assessments on Friday night's. My system never sounds as good on Friday night as it does on Saturday night, with the best day ALWAYS being Sunday (all day). That said, with said rubber squares there was more inner detail and better soundstaging, but the bass is not as tight. I will continue to assess throughout the weekend, but I'm already thinking that the amps WILL benefit with some sort of iso device.
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Another product that is better is called Brass Mi-Rollers,Jr. from, you can get Demo brass Mi-Roller, Jrs. for $9.00 each. A tweak that makes these Mi-Rollers sound even better is to put a copper penny on top of each Mi-Roller, I have two on each Mi-Roller and things sound even better! Great Tweak!