Aurios under JC1 monoblock's?

My JC1's sit on 1/2" thick glass (can be seen in system pics). I know glass is not the ideal shelf for audio, but I love this rack and don't want to part with it. My question is...
Would my system benefit by putting Aurios Pro's under the amp's? Or would it just be a waste of money. Of course, if I had a couple of spare sets of Aurios laying around, I would just try it, but I don't.
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Another product that is better is called Brass Mi-Rollers,Jr. from, you can get Demo brass Mi-Roller, Jrs. for $9.00 each. A tweak that makes these Mi-Rollers sound even better is to put a copper penny on top of each Mi-Roller, I have two on each Mi-Roller and things sound even better! Great Tweak!
I see I never updated this thread. In my system, isolation bearings are the bomb, even under speakers. Check system if interested...