Best amps to use with Sound Lab speakers

Which amps bring out the best in Sound lab electrostatic speakers?
I just recently heard the new Wolcott P400 reference gold 400 watt monos on a pair of SL speakers and was amazed at how much more the speaker put out compared to the 220s. If you are in the market I would give them a serious listen.
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I had tried a number of hybrid amps, like the modified NYAL Moscode 600, which gave a nice presentation. Unfortunately, my Sound Lab M-1's could not play loud enough or with enough punch. I was also using a passive line stage. The switch to the Bel Canto PRe-2 with the Bryston 14B-SST did the trick.
I am using David Berning Quadrature Z amplifiers on A-1PX speakers with beautiful results.