What preamps equal to or better than CJ ACT II

Trying to choose a pre amp to build a system around. I have always enjoyed tube gear. Something in the ACT 2 price range.
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The new Lamm LL1 Signature, a dual mono 4 box system is a remarkable preamp (even without a remote control).
Einstein is worth considering. Superb dynamic, bass weight, top extension, and silky mid/top. Best part is you can put different tubes in different input to tailor the source!

ARC Ref 3 is very system dependent, bass can sound weak and cast a greyish tone on all notes.
My choice for a solid state design with the ease and flow of tubes but with bass authority and weight would be the Karan Reference MKII preamp. The UK importer apparently prefers it to his CJ ACT II series II.
If you want one of the best, if not the best
- cj ART3.

one on audiogon at the moment. musical joy for a lifetime