Spectral and B&W 802D...Need Amp Advice

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with a full Spectral Audio System connected to the new 802D's? I love both products but have not had a chance to test the two together. I don't know if they would be a good match for one another as most of the time I have heard Spectral with ML,Verity Audio or Wilson.

I have looked at Mac 501's....very nice
Classe 2200....nice but not really sure about the LCD on the pre amps.

but am wondering if people have other suggestions or comments on these or other setups...Halcro, Linn just to mention a few. Also I am not really into the Krell sound.

Any comments would be great!
I had the Classe CA2200, along with the CP500 and CDP100, with my 802D's; I am not sure of your concerns with the LCD's on the Classe gear, I really liked them. I really liked the gear as well when connected to my Signature 805's, but when I went to the 802D's the Classe just wasn't getting it done for me so I moved on. I think the Mac would be a good choice.
Innovative Audio in Manhattan was running the Spectral stereo amp and Spectral preamp with 802D's when I was last in there in early August (and Linn universal player through all MIT cabling). B&W is not on my radar screen and I almost always prefer tube amps, but I was impressed.
with the 801 matrix and it was pretty incredible. less warm than mac, but so transparent/neutral that it was overwelming. we played lots of familiar records/cds for hours.the front ends werejaybo a vpi hw mklll and a cal icon of some vintage. i'm happy being a mac person, but hope to have a spectral pre/power combo one day to drive either my gradient revolutions or AR classic 30s. the macs will stay in any case
forget all the industry standard names and buy these amps and be happy for years. nuforce model 9 monoblocks. i dont own them as i have tact gear. but if i was going to invest in new amps these would be the ones period. there are multiple dealers out there that sell them. if you want a pair email me and i can hook you up with dealer that sells them. get the matching pre-amp. i know some people that have the 9's with the preamp which comes with a volume remote. they tell me they are the best sounding amps they have hever heard period. depending on what you plan on spending you get more money off as you buy more amps and including the preamp. i would look into seeing if biamping is a reality with them. either way they will sound good with your speakers and save you a ton of money.
