Just bought a used pair of these Thiel speakers and need advice on how best to power them.
Need more info.

How big is your room?
How loud to you listen?
Do you like tubes or SS or both?
First off, Eldarado is correct. Thiel recommends 100 to 400 watts for the 2.4's. In the past Thiels recommendations were based on standard ratings, i.e., into 8 Ohm loads. The CS 2.4's drop down to 3 Ohms. With that in mind, ideally you should choose an amp that is capable of between 300 to 1200 watts into 3 Ohms. IMHO, 600 watts into 3 Ohms would be a good place to start. Thiel has offered that they have had best results with Ayre, Boulder, Classe', Conrad-Johnson, Krell, Levinson, Pass, Theta and VTL. They also suggest some other less ambitious offerings and that others amps that they haven't tried may work well too. Most people agree that Thiels more so than most other speakers really need quality amplification to be at their best. Most people also seem to agree that one should avoid amps that can get nasty in the upper frequencies.
I am with unsound in his assesment concerning driving your Thiels. You can go to Thiels web site as well and get more information or simply call them they are always willing to help. I have 3.6's and utilize conrad johnson electronics and can say from personnel experience that Thiels love quality electronics and will reward you with sound that will make your hair stand on edge when you do. Enjoy your Thiels and good luck in your search for amplification. When doing so keep in mind quality over quantity.

I have very good experience with the McCormack DNA 500. I have to agree with Irish65 for his assesmments with C/J gears. I also tried it with the Premier 350 and the results were just simply breathtaking. Please feel free to email me directly if you need more information or need help looking for a nice quality amplifier. I have a demo unit, DNA 500, if you're interested.