Just bought a used pair of these Thiel speakers and need advice on how best to power them.
I have 3.6's, different speakers but same family...I've used Classe CA 200...good, and now using Mcintosh 501 mono's ...outstanding. My 2 cents. good luck with your choice, there are alot of good ones.
I want to thank everyone for their imput, you have helped me so very much.

What I have decided to use is a Mark Levinson #383 intergrated amp & a Esoteric DV-50 CD/DVD player using a Shunyata hydra 8 line conditioner.

I am having an awful time trying to assort the good from the bad to the overpriced speaker cables & interconects that will work well with my system.

Any advice would be helpful.

Dave, good choice. I use Harmonic Tech cables in my Thiel system and am very happy withe them. Lots of air, detail, rich mids and outstanding bass.
I probably took to long to answer this thread, but I have been very happy usuing the Bryston 3B-SST. It has enough power for powerful transients, I have been able to reach high volumes around 105 dB with ease, and louder. I believe my preamp makes everything sound somewhat "electronic" not as natural as normal. Overall I am very happy using the Bryston.

I have the 2.3, a slightly harder load, and I have used the Bryston 4B-ST, Plinius SA-102 and now the Rogue Zeus.

I've found that while power is key, the quality of power -- and everything else down the line -- is crucial.

I've had good luck over the years using Cardas Neutral Reference speaker cables.

Good luck with your Thiels. They are a great speaker. I have replaced just about every other component in my system but kept the Thiels. They really reward you.