confusion about the aragon 28k pre amp

I've been out of audio equipment for 20 years now, so this may sound like a dumb question. I recently got back into stereos and purchased a set of klipschorns and a crown powerline4 amp and I'm considering an aragon 28k or an acurus rl-11, but from looking at the pictures I dont see a bass or treble adjustments, do these preamps require the use of an equalizer?
i feel your pain,now days high end manufacturers & most audiophiles believe that the use of tone controls just get in the way of the signal path & does not help the music,adjusting tone is now done by changing exotic cables & speaker wires instead of a simple set of controls.

most modern preamps do not have tone controls, i will never understand that theory but to each his own.

there are still a few manufacturers that use tone controls in their new gear but you will have many more choices buying used gear,make sure that if your not clear about weather or not a pre has tone to ask the seller.
The Aragon does not have tone controls. Most pre-amps will not have them. Many audiophools believe that they degrade the signal, since every connection is a loss of signal.

I have never had a pre-amp with tone controls. The last thing I owned with tone controls was a cheap Sherwood receiver.
Any recommendations on a preamp with tone controls that can be operated with a remote and I can pick up used for under $500.00