Help ? with upgrade to budget system

I want to upgrade my system to accomodate my new larger listening room (was 12x10x8' is 16x30 with a 23ft ceiling). Curently I have a Cambridge Audio A-500 integrated, Cambridge Audio D-500SE CD, Tannoy R1 speakers (pair) with a Tannoy TD12 sub. I listen to ambient, classical, rock & pop....a range of music. My budget would be around $3000.

I like what I've been reading about the B&W 603 s3 speakers and I'm more inclined towards a clean pure sound and don't need really LOUD volume.... so any ideas ?
The volume of your listening room has gone from 960 cu. ft to 11040. In other words, well over a 10X increase!!! I would bet that you will need/want more power in your amplifier, esp. since most B&Ws require watts and current. For $3K you might want to consider a new amplifier (maybe even run it from the pre-outs). You can get a lot of amp for way less than $3K. For those $, maybe even a used high powere, high end integrated like a Rowland or a Gryphon or a DK for quite a bit less.
What Swampwalker said, with Vecteur, SimAudio and Bryston as more good solid-state amps to consider.
A good Dac or CD player. Your player is the week link in your system. SOurce is the most important part of a system. Junk in junk out.
Before you spend more money on more watts, figure out whether you really need more watts. You might not, especially since you say that "loud" is not your concern.

I think you should upgrade your speakers; that will give you the biggest sonic improvement for your dollar.