Machina Dynamica

Does anyone take the products that Machina Dynamica sells. There is a bell for sale here where you are supposed to ring it in different rooms throughout the house. What does that have to do with audio?
Sabai, it appears that's the second time you've gotten it. Looks like I can start clicking my fingers a little faster. Or shall I not waste my energy?
"Gotten" what? I don't see what I am supposed to have "gotten". I have no idea what you are referring to -- or about clicking fingers or about your energy. Is this an inside joke?
Zen, just responding to your statements.
BTW, wisdom is after all borne of experience.
So I am still waiting for an answer. The teleportation tweak supposedly "works" by quantum teleportation. Go ahead and google 'record quantum teleportation'. The world record is 89 miles using lasers in open air. I want to know how groups of real scientists working hard at trying to improve upon this can only make it work for 89 miles yet Machina Dynamica can make it work by telephone to anywhere in the world. The teleportation tweak must be where high concept, low tech, and an utter lack of integrity converge. This too can be yours for the low, low cost of $60 for a single phone call. Just imagine all of the wizardry that goes into some of the other MD products.
I think Csontos is playing a GOTCHA GAME. The only thing is he may be the only one playing. I don't hear any echoes. STICK TO THE SUBJECT OF THE ORIGINAL POST is the name of the game I am playing and I think a few of us are there, thankfully.

I think I have to agree with you when you said, "A lot of (good) science fiction is able to get people to envision how things that would not seem possible or appear to be nonsense might in fact be possible. Bad science fiction tends to be less successful at achieving the suspension of disbelief or leap of faith needed. Bad science fiction might still be regarded as good fantasy though.

My opinion of MD is that it is bad science fiction, but maybe good fantasy. Its more in the "Lost IN Space" camp than "Star Trek". No monsters in rubber suits quite yet though!"