Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
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I have an Omega seamaster, somehow, when I don't wear it while listening to my system, the system doesn't sound right. But when I where my 1000.00 watch and put on a cd, my system truly blooms. It's funny, I borrowed my friends Rolex, it doesn't keep as a good time as the Omega, and I could not hear an audible difference in my system. Later, I found out his watch was a fake -- No wonder... When I borrowed a real rolex, strapped it to my wrist, my system ruled!!!

I truly can tell the difference in my system, especially when I wear my omega vs. the 25.00 casio I used to own. Man, that Casio sucks, a big waste of time, especially for 2 channel. But because it has a stop watch, can measure my pulse and translate Arabic, it's excellent for home theatre.

Moral is, can't wait to buy a Piaget watch, the sonic upgrade will be tremendous. Plus, the wife factor -- she digs Piaget's...
Qdrone - Actually, the Tice clocks did not employ cryogenics, but another "proprietary process." Below is (part of) Tice's statement in letter to Stereophile a while back (1991):

"Regarding your comments on extra circuitry, no extra circuits have been added to the Clock. The Clock is only a carrier of the TPT technology. I realize this is a difficult concept for some people to grasp: the Clock has been treated with the TPT process. This is very much the same idea as cryogenically treating components. Those components are not visually modified or altered, but the treatment changes them on a molecular level. The same is true for our TPT process. As to the Audio Advisor mentioning that an additional chip was added to our TPT Clock, this is incorrect."
Puremusic, I completely agree, The person accepting the challange should familiarize themselves with the system and use their favorite CDs.

I am confident that everyone will fail this test. Again, I suggest that people try this at home first before accepting this challenge.

So far, no one has given me a firm commitment.
Audioari1, I've committed as firmly as possible until you supply some additional answers.

Again I ask,

Who will administer the testing? How does geography play into your thinking? IOW, can this testing take place in my home? If not, what do you have in mind for the geographical location fo the DBT?