Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
I wish Elizabeth had been here a couple of days ago when I incorporated a second Clock into the mix. I don't think anyone would have missed the improved sense of transparency, rich sonority, and soundstage depth that the second unit provided. A third unit is now on its way.

Egocentric bullshit detectors abound. Despite widespread problems with accuracy, they still tend to score quite high in consumer satisfaction polls. ;-)
Elizabeth, I am sure everyone trusts your bs meter. I do; to be b---s---.
Elizabeth, I agree with you the CLC is hype but then again so is power cables and speaker wire. If they make an improvement one must have super ears to notice. My money is spent on epuipment upgrades such as better caps, power supply, resisters, diodes, etc. etc. where a audible difference can be heard. Audioair1 Your challenge if you loose will be dumb luck.