Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?

Unfortunately, you miss the point of high-end audio entirely. It is precisely because listening results do not correlate with science is what makes high-end so interesting. For example, a $200 JVC receiver from CircuitCity has better measurements then nearly all single-ended tube amps that cost thousands of dollars. But the tube amp surely sounds better then the $200 JVC receiver. But HOW CAN THAT BE?????!!!! OH MY GOD, MY REALITY IS SLIPPING AWAY FROM ME!
If listening results did not correlate with science, then why are you challenging people to blind listening tests?

By its very nature science is incomplete, when there is a wide divergence between listening test and measurements, then maybe we need better measurements, not less science.
Audioari1,,,There is nothing wrong with the measurements on the $200 JVC receiver. What is wrong is the assumption that its low distortion (for example) is what people want. The SET amp has loads of distortion, but some people like the sound of distortion. After all, a musical instrument, for example a violin, does not produce pure tones, but lots of harmonics. Just think of the SET amp as a musical instrument.
This is an entertaining thread. I feel that science cannot explain all of our experiences. How does science exlain that some people can walk barefoot on hot coals and not burn their feet? I believe it's in the power of the mind. I have yet to hear any scientifically proven explanation for this phenominon. Is there anyone reading this thread that thinks coal walking is a hoax?

I will refrain from any judgement on others if they feel the CLC makes a difference in what they hear. This may be an example of one of many phenominon that the science community just can't explain. It also may be the placebo effect, which certainly has been scientifically validated. In either case, the listener believes they are hearing a positive change and therefore the end result is equal.

A movie that comes to mind is "Contact". Very thought provoking.

Mootsdude...You picked a bad example with fire walking. Science has provided the explanation. White ash on the coals is a good insulator if you keep walking fast.