Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Like audio is a mental excercise? Where is there truth in that? Any audiophile worth his salt knows that it is an observational excercise. Audiophiles can be fooled by their senses into thinking they hear something that isn't actually present, but the notion that they are 'always' fooled is the thing that is truly absurd, not to mention unbecoming in its presentation.

The problem 'really' is what sceptics presume to 'know', without proper investigation.
Eldartford and Pableson. Do you agree that there are things that science has yet to prove or explain? I try to keep an open mind and truly believe that there is a spiritual side to life. Is the great majority of the World ignorant to believe in God?

I certainly am not disagreeing with the scientific explanation of why fire walking is possible. I just want to make a point that not all things can or ever will be explained by science. Does that mean they don't exist?

ROTFLMAO. This thread just gets better with each passing day. 1st the clock, then power cords & cables, now God. Hard to imagine what could be next! Better than the comic's or politics by a far margin! :-)

Come to think about it, why not politics. The folks on the far left can hear everything and check daily under their beds for boogy men before they pile in and the folks on the far right are just deaf, dumb, and blind, but they sleep well at night! Sounds somewhat like the two camps engaged here.

Back under the bridge I go............
Yes, power cords, terribly amusing and novel stuff there. That last 6 feet...zzzz
We are talking engineering here, not basic science. Engineering uses the best estimates for how to get something done. In engineering there is always the safety factor, something added just in case the formulas lack something.

If as Eldartford suggests, Pabelson is correct that science knows but audiophiles don't, then why is there not just one best cable, one best speaker, one best amp. As engineering exercises with given price points, all amps, cables, speakers are compromises given the limits of technology. Engineering within the limits of what science has researched can tell us what considerations need to be made in designing a speaker, but not how to build the best speaker.

While I recognize Eldartford's science background, most who post here and claim science background's don't have them. Those with no scientific training should not recognize assertions, such as science knows just audiophiles don't. For most this is shear hubris and bullshit. They don't know but believe in common sense not science.