Clever Little Clock - high-end audio insanity?

Guys, seriously, can someone please explain to me how the Clever Little Clock ( actually imporves the sound inside the litening room?
Hmmm, methinks thou dost protest too much. I remember when this "memoir" you refer to was published. I remember hearing about the shocking revelations revealed that may or may not have ocurred. I would ask you then: If the enlightened Mr. Barris has no credibility, how is it that you have managed to obtain so many details on his life and career? Could it be that you yourself were a sanctioner for this nameless intelligence agency? Or, is it that you are one of the remaining embittered sanctionees? Reveal yourself, sir!! If you dare...
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And have we knocked this thread off course yet?

That would seem to be the plan, or alternately the effect of too much Lightning in a Bottle. ;-)
Wellfed, why do you suppose the purpose is to knock the thread off course? Initially, it was an appeal to give a plausible explanation for how it might work, then whether it worked, and then nonsense. Do we share this threads with luddites?
there is a competing product, the clc -- clever little cheddar -- its a block of cheese, you put it on top of your amp, as it heats and melts, it sucks distortion out of your equipment like a sponge...provides a great black background, lowers the noise floor and gives the room a pleasing odor...can also double as a vibration dampener or burger enhancer