In response to Tonnesen, WHAT we have a reputation to save?! Gee... okay, not sure I knew I ever had one ;)) Seriously though, I would like to say that (in reading this thread) you guys are all quite intelligent and appear to be rather civil. Very nice for a change.
To address some of the concerns or issues with the article on the clock (especially those of Zaikesman);
1. It should be noted that it was (is) simply a report of an experience - our experience with the clock. Nothing more, nothing less. We do not claim to understand nor promote the claims/theroies for how the Clock or Belt items "work" nor do we find any of the ideas/explanations behind them to make much sense to us either. But they have had an effect on us here - sometimes dramatic, sometimes not so much. It was never intended to be a hardcore review nor something that could be precieved (in any sense) as a valid/reliable/testable/whateverable experiment. Just reporting on our experience(s), and not as measurable facts.
2. We apparently failed in the article to make it clear that the clock had been in our ssytem for a month or two - so any "benefit" it was imparting on us had become simply the norm.
3. One of the "ideas" behind Belt suff is that it is cumulative - the more the better (what they say).
4. Prior to the clock, we liked the music as produced by our system very much (with a couple of previous Belt treatments), just that after the clock was inserted we grew to like it way more. Minus the clock made a big difference for the worse.
5. This stuff affects the listener - not one's system. So it does not so much change how things perform/sound, but how one responds to it (what they say).
6. Our comments are honest - we gained nothing from this, so take them for what they are... comments on our experience with the Clock. Maybe it is a bunch of hooey, but what we have written is the truth of what we experienced.
7. Is it all a scam? Not one to say as the stuff works for us, though again, why I have no idea. Maybe for others... which is fine. On the other hand, CArol and I find many of the things that others pursue (as being socially acceptable) to be scams. Not for us, but if it floats your boat - who cares...
8. Is it (or Belt stuff) absurdly expensive for what it "literally" is - most definitely.
9. Worth the money? Up to the individual. Me... uh... never bought any Belt stuff (Carol either). We did buy the Clock though. Tried the Pebbles... did nothing for us. Tried the Intelligent Chip... ditto.
10. Do you need to agree with "any" our articles, reviews, whatever? I see no reason why you should. They are simply our opinions, our reactions, our experiences. If yours (or others) differ, cool. No problem with that. I would expect that as much anyhow - we are all different with different wants and needs, experiences, etc..
Which is why we try at PFO to get the point across that all the articles/reviews are simply what we heard at the time and nothing more (why they say "as reviewd by..."). No proclamations of universal absolute truth. No doubt other people will have different reactions, responses, etc. to the same item in either the same system or most certainly elsewhere. I have no problem with that - what works for one will/may not work for others.
Dave Clark
To address some of the concerns or issues with the article on the clock (especially those of Zaikesman);
1. It should be noted that it was (is) simply a report of an experience - our experience with the clock. Nothing more, nothing less. We do not claim to understand nor promote the claims/theroies for how the Clock or Belt items "work" nor do we find any of the ideas/explanations behind them to make much sense to us either. But they have had an effect on us here - sometimes dramatic, sometimes not so much. It was never intended to be a hardcore review nor something that could be precieved (in any sense) as a valid/reliable/testable/whateverable experiment. Just reporting on our experience(s), and not as measurable facts.
2. We apparently failed in the article to make it clear that the clock had been in our ssytem for a month or two - so any "benefit" it was imparting on us had become simply the norm.
3. One of the "ideas" behind Belt suff is that it is cumulative - the more the better (what they say).
4. Prior to the clock, we liked the music as produced by our system very much (with a couple of previous Belt treatments), just that after the clock was inserted we grew to like it way more. Minus the clock made a big difference for the worse.
5. This stuff affects the listener - not one's system. So it does not so much change how things perform/sound, but how one responds to it (what they say).
6. Our comments are honest - we gained nothing from this, so take them for what they are... comments on our experience with the Clock. Maybe it is a bunch of hooey, but what we have written is the truth of what we experienced.
7. Is it all a scam? Not one to say as the stuff works for us, though again, why I have no idea. Maybe for others... which is fine. On the other hand, CArol and I find many of the things that others pursue (as being socially acceptable) to be scams. Not for us, but if it floats your boat - who cares...
8. Is it (or Belt stuff) absurdly expensive for what it "literally" is - most definitely.
9. Worth the money? Up to the individual. Me... uh... never bought any Belt stuff (Carol either). We did buy the Clock though. Tried the Pebbles... did nothing for us. Tried the Intelligent Chip... ditto.
10. Do you need to agree with "any" our articles, reviews, whatever? I see no reason why you should. They are simply our opinions, our reactions, our experiences. If yours (or others) differ, cool. No problem with that. I would expect that as much anyhow - we are all different with different wants and needs, experiences, etc..
Which is why we try at PFO to get the point across that all the articles/reviews are simply what we heard at the time and nothing more (why they say "as reviewd by..."). No proclamations of universal absolute truth. No doubt other people will have different reactions, responses, etc. to the same item in either the same system or most certainly elsewhere. I have no problem with that - what works for one will/may not work for others.
Dave Clark